
The rosemary command route:list allows you to list all the routes available in the project. This command is useful for getting a quick overview of available endpoints and their corresponding HTTP methods.

Table of contents

  1. List all routes
  2. Group routes by module
  3. List routes of a specific module

List all routes

To list all the routes of all the modules, run:

rosemary route:list

Group routes by module

To get a grouped view of the routes by module, you can use the --group option. This is especially useful for applications with a complex modular structure, as it allows you to quickly see how the routes are organized within different parts of your application.

rosemary route:list --group

List routes of a specific module

It may be useful to see the routes associated with a specific module. To do this, simply provide the module name as an argument:

rosemary route:list <module_name>

Replace <module_name> with the actual name of the module for which you want to see the routes.