
Table of contents

  1. Basic Usage
    1. Populate from all modules
    2. Populate from specific module
  2. Reset database before populating
    1. Reset all modules test data
    2. Reset test data of specific module

Basic Usage

It is possible to populate the database with predefined test data. It is very useful for testing certain that require existing data.

Populate from all modules

To populate all test data of all modules, run:

rosemary db:seed

Populate from specific module

If we only want to popularize the test data of a specific module, run:

rosemary db:seed <module_name>

Replace <module_name> with the name of the module you want to populate (for example, auth for the authentication module).

Reset database before populating

If you want to make sure that the database is in a clean state before populating it with test data, you can use the --reset flag. This will reset the database to its initial state before running the seeders:

Reset all modules test data

rosemary db:seed --reset

Reset test data of specific module

You can also combine the --reset flag with a module specification if you want to reset the database before populating only the test data of a specific module:

rosemary db:seed <module_name> --reset