Commit syntax checker workflow

Path to file (view file on GitHub)

The original file is located at the following path:

.github / workflows / commits.yml 

This GitHub Actions workflow is designed to enforce conventional commit syntax on commits and pull requests. It triggers on various pull request events and pushes to the main branch. The essential elements of this workflow are as follows:

Workflow Name

  • name: Commits Syntax Checker


  • on:
    • pull_request: Triggers on the following events for the main branch:
      • opened
      • reopened
      • edited
      • review_requested
      • synchronize
    • push: Triggers on any push to the main branch.
    • workflow_call: Allows the workflow to be called by other workflows.


  • check: This job runs on the latest Ubuntu environment (ubuntu-latest).


  1. Checkout Repository
    • Uses the actions/checkout@v2 action to checkout the repository.
  2. Conventional Commits Check
    • Uses the webiny/action-conventional-commits@v1.0.3 action to ensure that commit messages follow conventional commit standards.