Manual installation

Table of contents

  1. Update the system
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Install MariaDB
    1. Install official package
    2. Start the MariaDB service
    3. Configure MariaDB
    4. Configure databases and users
  4. Configure app environment
    1. Environment variables
    2. Ignore webhook module
  5. Install dependencies
    1. Creates and activate a virtual environment
    2. Install Python dependencies
    3. Install Python dependencies in editable mode (Rosemary)
  6. Run app
    1. Apply migrations
    2. Populate database
    3. Run development Flask server

Python version

Python version 3.12 or higher is recommended.

Ubuntu-only support

This tutorial is intended for use on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher.

Update the system

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y

Clone the repo

Are you a student of Configuration Evolution and Management (EGC)?

Remember that you have to clone your fork from the subject fork instead of the official one.

git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USER>/uvlhub_practicas.git
cd uvlhub_practicas

You can clone the original repo with the HTTPS method:

git clone
cd uvlhub

Install MariaDB

We need a relational database for our application. We will use MariaDB (more information)

Install official package

MariaDB is available in the official Ubuntu repositories, so you can easily install it with apt:

sudo apt install mariadb-server -y

Start the MariaDB service

We need to start the MariaDB service to work with the database.

sudo systemctl start mariadb

Configure MariaDB

After installing MariaDB, it is recommended to run the security script to perform some initial configurations:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Here we detail the default values that must be entered for a successful installation:

- Enter current password for root (enter for none): (enter)
- Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n]: `y`
- Change the root password? [Y/n]: `y`
    - New password: `uvlhubdb_root_password`
    - Re-enter new password: `uvlhubdb_root_password`
- Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]: `y`
- Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]: `y` 
- Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]: `y`
- Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] : `y`

Configure databases and users

To configure the database, we are going to use the MariaDB command console:

sudo mysql -u root -p

Use uvlhubdb_root_password as root password.

CREATE DATABASE uvlhubdb_test;
CREATE USER 'uvlhubdb_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'uvlhubdb_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON uvlhubdb.* TO 'uvlhubdb_user'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON uvlhubdb_test.* TO 'uvlhubdb_user'@'localhost';

Configure app environment

Environment variables

We need some environment variables for the connection to the database and the other elements to work properly. To do this, we can either write a .env file in the root or use a base template:

cp .env.local.example .env

Ignore webhook module

The webhook module only makes sense in a deployment using Docker and in a pre-production environment. To avoid problems, we indicate that this module should be ignored in the initial loading of modules by appending the name to the .moduleignore file:

echo "webhook" > .moduleignore

Install dependencies

Creates and activate a virtual environment

sudo apt install python3.12-venv
python3.12 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install Python dependencies

Pip is the package manager for Python. Its main function is to facilitate the installation, upgrade and uninstallation of Python packages (libraries or modules). It is important to update pip because some newer versions of packages require an updated version of pip in order to be installed correctly.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Python dependencies in editable mode (Rosemary)

Rosemary is a CLI (Command Line Interface) tool developed to facilitate project management and development tasks (more information) . It’s a development package and it’s not available in the pypi package manager, we have to install it manually using the file in the root. Since we are developers, it would be a pain to reinstall Rosemary every time we make a change. Therefore, we use the -e flag to install it in editable mode so that any changes to the Rosemary code will be detected by the system and the configuration will be reloaded in real time.

pip install -e ./

To check that Rosemary has been installed correctly, try running this command. It should list all available CLI commands:


Run app

Apply migrations

We have already created the database, but it is empty! We need to create the tables and their relationships. We can make use of migrations:

flask db upgrade

Populate database

It is possible to create test data so that the system deployed in development has a minimum of navigability without the need to create the entities ourselves.

rosemary db:seed

Run development Flask server

We run our application using a Flask developer server. By default, this server starts the app on port 5000.

flask run --host= --reload --debug

What is this?

Each of the flags (--host, --reload, --debug) has a specific function when running a Flask application.

--host= This flag specifies the IP address on which Flask will listen for requests. By default, Flask listens on (localhost), which means it is only accessible from the machine it is running on. If you specify, Flask will be available to any external connection, allowing the application to be accessible from any device on the network.

--reload: Enables automatic reload mode. Flask will automatically restart the server if it detects changes to your application files. This is especially useful in development, as it allows you to see the changes > without having to stop and restart the server every time you update the code.

--debug: Enables debug mode. When debug mode is enabled, Flask will display detailed error information in the browser if an exception occurs.

If everything worked correctly, you should see the deployed version of uvlhub in development at http://localhost:5000